
About the blog

This blog is a semi-serious discussion on UK game and quiz shows, predominantly from the late 80s and early 90s through to the present day, as well as incorporating aspects of TV history.

Partly reminiscent, partly technical, the overall aim for this blog is for various extracts to become part of a larger book on game show theory.

Disclaimer: this blog represents the views of the author only and are in no way connected with his employer.

About the author

James Bourne grew up fascinated by quiz shows and general knowledge. Let’s put it this way: when most other kids watched Nickelodeon, James was glued to The Family Channel and Challenge TV.

At the age of 13 James became a staff writer and editor on UKGameShows.com, the biggest and best game show information resource on the web. For over a year he meticulously Wiki-edited site entries while his friends were out doing what people their age were supposed to do, like go to festivals and get hideously drunk.

As a result, there is plenty of interesting insight and opinion (alongside the 99% of interminable trivia which passes off for knowledge) which will feature in this blog (apart from the rules to 3-2-1. Nobody knows the rules to 3-2-1).

By night, James muses on game shows good and bad, but by day he is a business and technology journalist and editor. Check out James’ work here and here, and follow him on Twitter: @James_T_Bourne

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